''The path? What is my path?'' This has been the question behind my mind all the time.
It is 4am now. I was waken up for no reason and the endless train of thoughts never left my mind since then. Couldn't continue to be in bed.
What is my path? This wouldn't be a meaningful discussion without first understanding the idea of Free Will vs Determinism. This has been debated for millennia in the field of philosophy and psychology. I do not intend to elaborate the idea, just take it literally for simplicity.
So, some time ago, I thought the path, is a free path, I can do anything I want and there is no constrain. ( I literally thought I was a superman back then).
And then I met a wise man, and the whole story turned around.
(Trust me when I use the word wise, I don't recall putting that label on anyone else in my 21 years of living time.)
He first asked me : ''Do you believe that your life on earth is destined to be a certain way?''
Obviously my answer : ''NOOOO! who would accept that? that's for loser.''
He then continued: ''Do you want to be a soldier? ''
Me: No. Absolutely Not. ( scratching my head wondering..)
He: ''Then what do you wanna do?''
I continued passionately elaborating on that subject. I thought he would shed some light.
But then I realized a cool fact:
A truly wise person will never give away his wisdom freely, you have to earn it. Let me elaborate, I know I've started to sound vague.
A truly wise person will only lead you to the pool of water. If you are ready, you will get the answer ; if you are not, they will not waste their time.
I actually hated his style back then, (''Why not just give me the answer, and I'll show you the result! And make sure it is satisfying!'') It took me some time to truly grasp the essence of such. It is a life lesson, and very much dependent of the way you look at life. I'm not here trying to teach a lesson, I'm not qualified either. If you want to know the answer, walk the way.
Alright, back to my dialogue with him.
After describing all my heavenly dream to him. He finally opened his mouth and posted me a question.
'' Why didn't you want to become a soldier...... after all these?'' he smirked.
and then we both went silent. And the discussion on Whether or not one is destined to be a certain way ended.
I was CONVINCED that I was wrong and I had to admit to him that IT IS DESTINED!
The next thing I know...
He : " you are wrong again! ''
ME: (WTH?! you went so far to bring me into buying this and the next second I'm wrong again?!)
I was told that I DEFINTELY have a choice to be who I want to be.
You see.That thing about a truly wise person is that, he will slowly lead you to a kind of mindset and then trap you and fool you. I, for one, too hated that back then, but I appreciate it more than anything now.
The next thing I know, I was brought back to HOPE again, that I can choose who I want to be, DEFINITELY in my life!
He said : If you can choose in what country you will be borned, who your parents are, in what society you are borned in etc... then come to me and I will agree that YOU HAVE ABSOLUTE FREE WILL TO BE WHO YOU WANT TO BE.
Now the whole picture became clear to me.
Again, he never told what the ''answer'' was.
It took days for the dialogue to sink in and I learned my lesson.
I was driven by a strong urge to blog about this just now. But it's getting a little too long.
Alright, I'll stop here.
Ay Signing off.